our commitment
Fera is dedicated to collaborating closely with the local community to develop wind projects that play a crucial role in Australia’s transition to sustainable energy. Once these wind projects are established, Fera will reinvest funds into the community to support local initiatives chosen by the residents. Each project is expected to leave a lasting legacy that benefits the community even beyond the operational lifespan of the wind farm.
As a project evolves from initial desktop research to a potential development, it will continuously adapt based on various inputs, including:
- Wind monitoring
- Landholder interest
- Community and stakeholder inputs
- Culture and heritage
- Flora and fauna investigations
- Access and physical assessments
- Noise and traffic modelling
- Grid connection

Planning a wind farm is a lengthy process that takes several years. During this time, Fera will host regular community information days, where the team’s experts will visit local venues to provide updates on the project’s progress and give the community a chance to share their thoughts and input.
To ensure ongoing community involvement after the project enters the development phase, Fera will establish a Community Consultative Committee (CCC). Managed by local residents, the CCC will receive annual funding to support community projects.
fund aims
- Generate widespread benefits and build a strong sense of connection within the local community.
- Support the initiatives of both current and future organisations.
- Inspire local innovation and address key issues.
- Raise awareness and educate the community on the benefits of sustainable renewable energy.
- Continue to nurture strong relationships within both the local and broader communities.
community benefits
The committee is committed to ensuring that CCC projects contribute to the economic sustainability of the local community long after the project’s completion. We aim to involve landowners in projects whenever there is interest.
For the wind projects funding the CCC, no turbines will be placed within 1 km of any dwelling. For homes situated within 2 – 3 km of a turbine, we will reach out to each homeowner to address and mitigate any potential visual impacts.
Fera’s principal is to work with all landowners in the surrounding area.
Key criteria for landholder involvement:
- Interest from the landowner to participate
- Location of residence on property and adjacent properties
- Topography and geology of the property
- Investigation of associated infrastructure

initial program elements
CCC projects will provide lasting value to the local community. The initial program elements include:
- Community Car Charge Station (Free wind energy direct to Electric vehicles)
- Upgraded telecommunications
- Funded projects for the community (CFA, Schools, Sporting clubs)
nearby homes
All planned turbines will be situated more than 1 km from any homes, including those on neighbouring properties. During the investigation phase, Fera will work to minimise the impacts of the turbines and will collaborate closely with homeowners located 2 – 3 km from a turbine. Please get in touch with us to discuss your property, and we can arrange a meeting to address and mitigate any potential impacts on your property.
impact mitigation
Fera is committed to minimising the impacts of its projects in several key areas:
Visual Impact:
A thorough investigation and consultation process will finalise the project’s layout, including turbine locations, underground cable routing, and the alignment of the above-ground transmission line between the project substation and the main grid.
Comprehensive, site-specific noise assessments will be carried out by professional third parties to ensure no disturbance to the surrounding environment. These assessments will account for the unique geographic characteristics of each site.
Agricultural Production:
Turbines will occupy only a small portion of host farms, allowing agricultural activities to continue underneath. New easements and internal roadways will be designed in consultation with landowners to enhance farm operations. The construction schedule will be coordinated with each farm to minimise disruption.
Traffic and Construction:
Detailed traffic management plans for transporting wind farm components will be developed in collaboration with local councils to ensure continuous access during construction. Roads will remain accessible in the event of a bushfire or natural disaster.
Socio-economic Impact:
The community benefit scheme and CCC aim to deliver tangible benefits to the local area. Priority will be given to local employment and businesses.
Culture and Heritage:
Fera will engage with the local indigenous community to gain a thorough understanding of the area’s cultural heritage and identify any significant sites to avoid. We will work to protect sensitive areas and celebrate the region’s history.