Saturday 27th July we hosted our most recent community meeting in Alexandra! Check out the information presented here!
Environmental Outcomes – Seymour Wind Farm
Size: 600-700 MW
Estimated Annual Production of Electricity: 2 million MWh
CO2 offsets: 2 million tonnes of CO2
Provides energy for: 430k homes
Is equivalent to taking: 700k cars off the road or planting 7 million trees.
We have created a number of fact sheets to disperse confusion surrounding wind farms and renewable energy.
Click here if you’re interested in learning more.
Project area
As of July 2024, Fera have confirmed 80-100 turbines with local landowners. Currently, Fera is investigating the connection route to plug the Seymour Project into the National Grid, with the goal of a finalised route by the end of 2024.
The wind turbine area is bound by Avenel, Longwood, Ruffy, Highlands and Tarcombe. The transmission line investigation area spans toward the 330kV transmission line in the south east.
This area was selected based on its strong wind resource and its proximity to the main transmission line between Melbourne and Sydney.
Care will be taken to minimise the impact of new infrastructure on local homes.

Project Timeline

The Seymour project will not only produce electricity sustainably toward Australia’s green future, but will also elevate the surrounding community.
Fera places strong importance on community involvement in the project during its planning, construction, and operation phases. Once the project is within reach of construction, we are looking to establish a Community Consultative Committee (CCC). Annual funding will be supplied to the CCC to complete community projects.
These projects will create a positive legacy for the wind farm in the area and increase the benefits the community gain while supplying the country with sustainable energy from their backyard.
Please contact us if you have any interest in joining, or would like more information on the committee.
local jobs
Fera has a large focus on employing local and creating long term jobs the community surrounding every project.
It is estimated that the Seymour Wind Farm will create 50-60 permanent positions during it’s operational phase.
Over the two year construction period, 600-700 jobs are estimated to be available, varying from concreting to electrical connection management.
Find out more about our other projects