environmental benefits
Wind power is among the most cost-effective sources of large-scale renewable energy, harnessing the natural force of the wind to generate electricity. Wind turbines capture this energy through the area swept by their blades. As the blades spin, they drive a generator that produces electricity, which is then supplied to the grid.
Recent technological advancements have led to the development of larger, more efficient, and quieter wind turbines equipped with intelligent technology. With increased rotor diameters and hub heights, these turbines can capture more energy, meaning fewer turbines are required to produce the same amount of electricity. This results in wind farms that are increasingly adaptable and efficient.
Powering a cleaner future

Electricity generation is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, with around 32% of Australia's greenhouse gases resulting from the burning of fossil fuels for electricity production.
Renewable Energy
The change to renewable energy is a critical step in the path to zero carbon emissions.
Wind Energy
Wind energy is the world's fastest-growing energy source, with over 1,000 megawatts of capacity being installed locally each year. In Australia, renewable energy now surpasses natural gas in terms of energy generation.
Wind Turbines
Every wind turbine makes a significant impact! Over the past decade, wind turbine sizes have grown from 1 MW to over 6 MW. A typical 6 MW turbine operating in Australia can deliver the following benefits:
• 18 – 20 MWh of electricity, powering 4300 homes
• 10,000 tonnes of CO2 abatement
• The equivalent of planting 164,000 trees or removing 4200 cars from the roads
• 18 – 20 MWh of electricity, powering 4300 homes
• 10,000 tonnes of CO2 abatement
• The equivalent of planting 164,000 trees or removing 4200 cars from the roads
Flora & Fauna
Over the past two years, we've observed a wide variety of local wildlife, including numerous animals and birds. As a key early step in each project, Fera has partnered with Biosis to conduct Flora and Fauna assessments. These assessments are designed to ensure minimal environmental impact during both construction and operation phases. Road upgrades will be carefully planned, and where tight turns are necessary, all options will be explored to minimize the impact on trees and vegetation. Additionally, further studies will be conducted on the nesting sites of local bird species to ensure that wind turbines do not disrupt these critical areas.